> very strong and intermediately deep Mw 7.6 Earthquake near Lae, Papua New Guinea

09/11/2022 - Earthquake near Lae, Papua New Guinea

Event Characteristics
CEDIM Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Date & Time Sept. 11, 2022, 1:46 a.m.
Magnitude Mw 7.6
Latitude -6.22 °N
Longitude 146.48 °E
Depth 80 km
Aftershocks 1
Last Update 2022-09-12
Country Displaced Injured Dead Damaged Buildings Destroyed Buildings
Total 3211 30 21 1076
Papua New Guinea 3211 30 21 1076

Source: Earthquake Impact Database

Affected Population
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Impact on Energy Infrastructure

A total 0.12 GW of power generation capacity has been affected by this event.
Power plants with a total capacity of 0.03 GW (24 % of the affected capacity) may experience damage and/or interuptions due to strong event impact.

Impact Map
Affected Population