> modest and shallow M 4.6 Earthquake in Yunnan, China

05/02/2023 - Earthquake in Yunnan, China

Event Characteristics
CEDIM Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Date & Time May 2, 2023, 5:38 p.m.
Magnitude M 4.6
Latitude 25.60 °N
Longitude 99.41 °E
Depth 10 km
Last Update 2023-05-02
Affected Population
Similar Events

Mw 5.5
Depth= 10 km
33.20°N 98.99°E

2020/04/01 14:23, 4 years ago

Mw 5.5, 10 km, 22.83°N 95.48°E
mb 5.5, 10 km, 22.87°N 95.95°E
mw 5.5, 29 km, 23.16°N 90.92°E
mb 5.4, 10 km, 23.20°N 93.42°E
Main shock
Mw 5.3, 40 km, 25.40°N 99.32°E
1 aftershocks
Impact on Energy Infrastructure

A total 1.65 GW of power generation capacity has been affected by this event.

Impact Map
Affected Population