> moderate and shallow MW 5.6 Earthquake in Manisa, Turkey

01/22/2020 - Earthquake in Manisa, Turkey

Event Characteristics
CEDIM Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Date & Time Jan. 22, 2020, 8:22 p.m.
Magnitude Mw 5.6
Latitude 39.06 °N
Longitude 27.84 °E
Depth 9 km
Last Update 2020-03-18
Country Displaced Injured Dead Damaged Buildings Destroyed Buildings
Total 1000 4 802 305
Turkey 1000 4 802 305

Source: Earthquake Impact Database

Affected Population
Similar Events

Mw 6.5
Depth= 16 km
34.27°N 25.75°E

2020/05/02 14:51, 3 years, 11 months ago

Mw 6.5, 51 km, 35.20°N 31.89°E
Mw 6.4, 10 km, 41.38°N 19.47°E
Mw 6.3, 10 km, 39.77°N 22.11°E
Mw 6.3, 10 km, 34.79°N 26.34°E
Impact on Energy Infrastructure

A total 0.99 GW of power generation capacity has been affected by this event.

Impact Map
Affected Population